Welcome to the Sunny Point Café kitchen garden blog! The Sunny Point garden began as a small plot a few years ago…just a matter of yards from the back door of the kitchen. The space has grown and shifted since then, but it remains just steps away from the bustling kitchen where our delicious food is made.
The garden has had many creative minds and hard-working hands involved in its growth over the years, and these individuals have all had a great impact on this project. So, thank you to everyone involved, both past and present, for all of our work and ideas have melded and lend the garden its unique frame-work and continued success. Additionally, the pride and love that the owners of this establishment provide to the garden project is indispensable and a constant rock of support, allowing the garden to flourish and grow! Come along as winter turns to spring and the food continues to grow: from the garden to the table…
We have entitled this blog “Spade to Spoon,” to honor the connection of fresh produce, herbs, and flowers being grown organically on-site and delivered right to the kitchen. Through our “garden to table” ideal we are able to provide local and organic produce from our very own backyard, a concept that is not only ecologically sound, but aesthetically pleasing, as well.
This kitchen garden model, and its example as a productive use of land, is educational and satisfying not only for the Sunny Point Café gang of employees, but for all of our lovely patrons from near and far, and the community of West Asheville itself. Welcome to our garden!
Thanks for your support. Follow us on our blog as the garden grows and transitions throughout the seasons. And, as we celebrate the relationship between the kitchen and the garden…where food grows from a tiny seed and meets the knives of creative chefs, all within an acre…from spade to spoon.